

       In my projects I often explore urban peripheries, dormitories, suburbs. I am interested in the mass phenomena that occur in these areas and how they relate to architecture and urban space.
       Moscow is expanding very fast and there are spontaneous or organized attempts to beautify these endless kilometers of stone jungle. More than 2000 transformer boxes in Moscow have been painted as part of a special city program.
        A utopian, beautiful world of nature, where images become more real than the surrounding reality itself.
Beautification of everyday life. Works of art that correspond to their time and the needs of their clients. To please the eye of a passer-by and immerse him in the distant, inaccessible world of
      Now, almost 10 years later, perhaps most of these murals have disappeared, replaced by new ones. But it was important to me to record them as a phenomenon, something that will disappear with time

Moscow, 2015.