Program - 200
There were built and reconstructed around 600 temples in Moscow during the last 15 years. New “Program – 200” is incarnated by the fund of “Support of the Moscow temples building” with Moscow City Government participation. This program includes developing projects and building 200 new temples on the territory of all city districts. Construction is planned on the basis of one church for 20,000 inhabitants, while the standard for walking is around 1 km. This plan should be realized in 10 years, with the expectation to commission one new temple in the month. ( Information is taken from official web site of Program – 200).
In every new district they built new temples using the same type of technology and materials as they use for ordinary apartment buildings. So they all look pretty much the same. Temples and buildings merge into one solid monolithic look.
In my series of works I investigate intersection between two different areas – sacred and every day life and how they interact and influence on each other.
Moscow, 2014